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Fire District Roadway Variance

Normally when there is a development, the roadways of that development are built to specifications prior to homes being built.  In the 1970's, the Stagecoach area was was developed.  Master plans were designed showing all the new neighborhoods and their roadways.  What was drafted on paper did not become a reality on the land.  The developers of the 70's disapered and the roadways were never developed to the appropriate standards.  This has caused a lot of  confusion and expense for new property owners.  

Unfortnatualy, there is no easy way to solve this problem.  The fire district is allowing the following variance when it comes to the roadway and driveway standards:

  • If there are no residential units currently built on a roadway then the first property owner to build on that roadway will have to follow the rules for access to a single buildable lot.
  • If there is a single existing residential unit, then the next to build will have to follow the rules for access to two buildable lots up to that driveway.
  • If there are two existing residential units currently built on a roadway then any additional units will have to follow the rules for access to three or more buildable lots up to that driveway.

It is highly recommended that potential and current property owners that are planning on building contact the fire district so the rules are fully understood when it comes to roadways and driveways.  Remember these specifications do not have to be followed if an authorized  residential sprinkler system is installed.

Please note this variance does not apply to commercial properties and to existing and public (non-private) roadways.